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Environmental Conservation , Forestry & Arboriculture

Access and Recreation Officer

Access and Recreation Officers manage public access, often in a specific geographical area or along a route.

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Environmental Conservation , Forestry & Arboriculture , Highways


Ecologists study the relationships between animals, plants, people and their physical surroundings.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forest Machine Operator

Forest Machine Operators undertake a range of tasks to do with the harvesting and maintenance of trees in natural forests and estates, including logging, felling and sawing trees.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forest Ranger

Forest Rangers promote awareness and sustainable use of the forest by the public.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forestry Consultant

Forestry Consultants usually work independently or as employees of small consulting companies, advising clients on the selection, health, maintenance and marketing of trees and timber.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forestry Supervisor

Forestry Supervisors work with Forest & Woodland Managers on the sustainable management of timber production and the preservation and protection of trees and the forest environment.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forestry Worker

Forest Workers carry out a range of practical tasks to plant, maintain and harvest wood from forested areas.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Harvest Manager (Forestry)

Harvest Managers oversee the felling of trees and their preparation for transport and processing. 

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Head Forester

Head Foresters are responsible for the management of Forestry Workers. They also plan planting and harvesting activities and the monitoring and management of woodland areas.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Planning Forester

Planning Foresters design forests, protecting and restoring natural habitats, whilst seeking to maximise productivity.

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Forestry & Arboriculture

Forest & Woodland Manager

Forest & Woodland Managers are responsible for the sustainable management of a forest or woodland area.

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Forestry & Arboriculture , Highways , Horticulture & Landscaping

Landscape Architect

Landscape Architects improve the quality of the environment by designing and managing the open spaces around us.

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