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The finer details

Module 1

How the Foundation links to Advanced level work.

Summary of the Foundation theory and practice.


Masterclass Video

Arc, feel, eyes on sheep, balance and holding the heavy side, pressure-release; the ‘out’ command; Natural fetch, natural drive; Introducing command; Off balance flanks, inside flanks; Introducing precision; Driving in a square; Bigger picture – moving sheep on a brae -pressure-release at a distance; Penning using the ‘out’; Moving sheep across water .


Module 2

Sheep welfare


Masterclass Video:

Holding sheep to catch one to treat

Putting sheep in the fank

Working in the pens


Module 3

Masterclass Video:

Starting to work with more than one dog

Shedding with one and more dogs


Module 4

Masterclass Video:

Re-direction on open ground

Teaching the look-back

Out of sight work

Counting sheep with one or more dogs


Module 5

Masterclass Video:

Lambing scenarios: catching ewe and getting her in a small trailer; use of multiple dogs at lambing; moving ewes and lambs (in detail); shedding at lambing time

Who should attend?

Those who have attended both the Introduction and the Intermediate levels of the course

What will be covered?


  •  builds on Introduction and Intermediate Levels and begins with a review and revision of concepts and assesses participants’ ability to put them into practice at the Intermediate level
  •  how to analyse a dog’s progression and development and assess the limits of its ability
  •  how to assess whether a dog has natural ability or whether it is well handled
  •  explains how to work with more than one dog
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