FarmSkills Calf Rearing Part 1 & 2

Calf Rearing – Birth to Weaning:

Trainees will be able to plan and prepare for successful heifer production, conduct basic first aid in the neo-natal calf and provide appropriate management to ensure maximum survival rates.

Calf Rearing – Heifer Rearing:

Trainees will be able to set targets and manage …

FarmSkills Mastering Medicines

The workshop aims to increase trainees’ knowledge of safety and good practice as well as outlining the legislative requirements for on farm medicines use. The course also aims to increase trainees’ understanding about the different types of medicines used and how these relate to the common diseases …

FarmSkills Sheep - Lambing

Join our lambing team for the day and get hands-on with learning all about lambing. The informal, action-packed course will include a mix of listening, observing and doing.

FarmSkills Foot Trimming

Tuition from fully licenced cattle foot trimmers, trained in UK and USA.

Training delivered on farm or at dedicated training centre – we bring crushes and all equipment with us.

FarmSkills Dairy Fertility (DIY AI)

Trainees will be able to discuss the regulations governing artificial insemination (AI) in the UK and describe the theory of safe semen handling and AI technique.

They will be able to carry out correct AI technique using abattoir specimens or models before progressing onto be able to safely perform A…

Ignite Firewood Production and Supply

Gain an understanding of firewood production and supply with this training course.

Ignite Woodfuel Quality Standards

Gain an understanding of woodfuel quality standards with this one day training course.

Trailer Handling

Learn to handle trailers expertly – for work or leisure with our dedicated course.

Tractor driving 14 - 15 years old (Republic of Ireland)

Our two-day training course gives a good grounding for the next generation of tractor users in the Republic of Ireland

Lambing Techniques

Master the basic lambing skills with our training course in Lambing Techniques.

Machine Sheep Shearing

Master and improve your sheep-shearing techniques with our Machine Sheep Shearing course.

Practical Hedge Laying

Learn the basics of hedge laying craft in our two-day practical course.