Ignite Managing Woodlands for Woodfuel

Gain an understanding of how to manage woods for woodfuel with this training course.

Shooting Grey Squirrels for Red Squirrel Conservation

This course offers suitable individuals the opportunity to provide the evidence to support they are competent to be permitted to enter private land in possession of an air rifle and to cull grey squirrels in order to conserve red squirrels.

Hedgelaying Skills – Gold Award (Skills Card)

This is a 5-day practical training course in hedgelaying including a one day assessment, leading to accreditation at Gold level with the National Hedgelaying Society. Courses will be held between September and March.

Hedgelaying Skills – Bronze Award (Skills Card)

4 day practical training course in hedge laying  including an assessment leading to accreditation at Bronze level with the National Hedgelaying Society. Courses will be held between September and March.

Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate (Skills Card)

This course will provide you with a Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate (PDS1), widely recognised as the crucial first step in obtaining a Firearm Certificate to shoot deer.

Hedgelaying Skills – Silver Award (Skills Card)

A 5-day practical training course in hedgelaying including an assessment, leading to accreditation at Silver level with the National Hedgelaying Society. Courses will be held between September and March.

Conservation Grazing in Practice

This course provides a basic introduction to extensive/conservation grazing and the use of livestock to achieve environmental objectives.

Level 1 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling

Develop your skills in Dry Stone Walling with this Level 1 qualification.

Level 2 Award in Wild Game Meat Hygiene

Gain your status as a ‘trained hunter’ with our nationally recognised qualification in Wild Game Meat Hygiene.

Level 2 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling

Continue to develop your skills in Dry Stone Walling by taking the Level 2 certificate.

Level 3 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling

Build more dry stone walls with advanced skills in our Level 3 certificate in Dry Stone Walling.

Advanced Conservation Grazing in Practice

The course provides a comprehensive understanding of conservation grazing, the importance of large herbivores in biodiversity management along with the specific roles of livestock and their influence on natural processes to achieve environmental objectives.